Cosmetic Products
2 in 1 solid soaps and shampoos
Shower gels, Shampoos and Conditioners
Information écologique / économique
Hygiène féminine et bandes hygiène WC
Cosmetic care dispensers and holders
Bed frames
Mattresses and bedding collections
Punaises de lit : détecter, protéger, traiter
Test détection punaises de lit - TRUDETX
Housses intégrales anti-punaises de lit
Extra bedding
Accessories and extra bedding options
Children's bedding
Bed linen
Sheets, duvet covers and pillow cases
Housses intégrales anti-punaises de lit
Our complete Bed Linen collections
Bed coverings, decorative textile
Pillows and bolsters
Pillow cases and bolster cases
Housses intégrales anti-punaises de lit
Minibars and safes
Courtesy trails and kettles
Plateaux en PVC antivol avec bouilloire
Plateaux bois/bambou antivol avec bouilloire
Plateau en PVC et bouilloire coordonnée
Baskets and litters
Literie d'appoint
Fauteuils et banquettes lit BZ
Luggage racks
Bedroom furniture
Punaises de lit : détecter, traiter, protéger
Test rapide Détection Trudext des punaises
Hangers and ironing
Autres accessoires de repassage
Bedroom accessories
Office directories and accessories
Terry linen
Hair dryers
Bathroom bins
Bathroom accessories
Sanitary facilities
Feminine Hygiene and toilets strips
Bathroom mirrors
Wall magnifying mirrors with light
Slower and bath equipments
Safety and comfort equipment
Displays and informative display frames
Mandatory and informative displays
Children's equipment
Room service
Punaises de lit : détecter, protéger, traiter
Test rapide Détection Trudext des punaises
Housses intégrales anti-punaises de lit
Plaquettes anti-punaises de lit
For your welcome products and cosmetics, trust HOTEL MEGASTORE. You will find a wide choice of products adapted to your establishment and your budget. We offer 15 complete ranges with shower gels, hair and body gels 2 in 1 and 3 in 1, shampoos, conditioners, soaps but also treatments such as body milks and body lotions or kits: shaving kits with shaving cream, toothbrush with toothpaste, sewing kits or shoe care kits.For each range of products In addition to the 20 ml, 30 ml or 35 ml tubes or bottles, we also offer the maxi 3-in-1 gel bottles in 300 ml with suitable bottle holders.
Find all our collections of welcome products and cosmetics. Depending on the decoration of your bedrooms and bathrooms, choose the collection or collections that best match the ambiances you want to create. And because ecology is also at the heart of our environment, we have launched collections of organic hospitality products for hotels. To offer your customers body hygiene products combining the benefits of nature with dermo-cosmetic efficiency, discover our certified organic or Ecolabel collections. To present your cosmetic products in your bathrooms, we offer welcome trays and baskets. Finally do not forget the disposable or unbreakable toothbrush glasses with coaster or transparent bag